MHH57: 3 Mormons: Why We Haven’t Resigned

I bet you didn’t know, but Lesley Butterfield, Bryce Blankenagel and Colleen Payne Dietz have not yet resigned from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, more popularly referred to as the “Wins For Satan” Church, following President Nelson’s admonishment to cease using the term “Mormon” as it causes “wins for Satan.” We will oblige, President Nelson. Join 3 Mormon panelists (shoot I said Mormon) as we each share our own reasons for not utilizing the amazing service available at to alleviate ourselves off the records of “The Church” (also an authorized term)…just yet. We discover our reasons are all very different and unique, but we agree on so many passionate feels! 1 part thoughtful discussion, 2 parts bitch fest. Don’t worry, we take turns. As always, if you’d prefer to watch this panel instead of just listen, follow the links below to MHH’s Patreon page! And don’t forget to check out the 2018 Brodie Awards Nominations! Vote for Mormon Happy Hour!

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