MHH90: Tips on Improving A Mixed Faith Marriage with Lindsay Kjar

Lindsay and her husband Matt are in a Mixed Faith Marriage, and they are thriving! Not only have they figured out together a thing or two about what makes a marriage like this work better, but they have also built an amazing support system to share what they have learned with other couples. Lindsay shares with us today her own journey out of being an active Mormon woman to a well-seasoned and wise Post Mormon. She highlights the things that brought strength, stability and growth in their marriage. Write down any questions you have or places you’d like more support, Lindsay would love to return, with Matt, to answer even more of your questions.

Links mentioned in this episode:

MHH87: Becoming an EX-ExMormon: Jessica’s Story

There comes a time for many of us who have moved on from Mormonism that we REALLY want to move on and not stay in the community that validated us when we left Mormonism. We are done with the triggers, the constant repeating drama, the never-changing harm that pours out of the LDS Church. We are ready to embrace joy, happiness, and filling our lives with other interests! First up, to share her own journey out of Mormonism, and out of ExMormonism, and what she has done to fill up her life. She’s a novelist, with a alter ego pen name Delaney Darco. She is thriving in a mixed-faith marriage that is full of love, respect, and deep conversations.

Links mentioned in this episode:



MHH64: Just the Tips: Advice to Transitioning Mormons

Michael Smith shares 5 Tips for Transitioning Mormons, and they are…helpful? No, really, they are…and they are also snarky, hilarious, and full of latent Priesthood Authority! We explore topics such as self-care, relationships with believers, boundaries, and advice for moving forward. All advice comes with a side of light-mindedness and loud laughter. Please enjoy the full video of this conversation on Patreon, just search Mormon Happy Hour or follow the links on the website.

Links mentioned in this episode:

MHH59: What We’d Love to Hear From Believers

Claudine Gallacher is a life coach who specializes in the unique needs of those transitioning away from Mormonism. Recently, Claudine posed the question on Social Media “What would you like to hear from your TBM or true believing Mormon friends and family?” She received an outpouring of thoughtful responses from Post-Mormons who were yearning to hear so many unique things from their believing loved ones. Join us for a thoughtful journey through relationships, desires, and deep introspection. If you’d prefer to watch Claudine’s chat instead of listening, please visit Mormon Happy Hour on Patreon!

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